

This paper presents a numerical model to predict the vibro-acoustic responses at low frequencies of simplified residential structures exposed to sonic booms. The model is validated experimentally in a companion paper. The dynamics of the fluid-structure system, including their interaction, is computed in the time domain using a modal-decomposition approach. In the dynamic equations of the system, the structural displacement is expressed in terms of summations over the “in vacuo” modes of vibration.

Structural modal properties of single-room and two-room rectangular structures built with typical residential construction are extracted using only the vibration responses to (1) a sonic boom simulated with a linear distribution of detonating cord and (2) ambient excitation. Then, the acoustic modal properties of the cavities enclosed by the residential structures are extracted using the pressure responses to the same two types of excitation.


Experiments performed to validate a model used to predict the transmission of weak sonic booms into a residential building are discussed in detail. The experimental effort encompassed the construction of a simple structure that retains the essential characteristics of a residential building, the instrumentation of this structure, and the production of a realistic simulated sonic boom with the use of detonating cord. Vibro-acoustic data were collected using the simulated sonic boom as excitation.

As a first step in the development of a model for predicting the noise transmission of sonic booms inside buildings, a numerical solution for the transmission of a shock wave with an arbitrary time history into a rectangular room with a plaster-wood wall is investigated. The dynamics of this fluid-structure system, including their interaction, is computed in the time domain using a modal-interaction method. The formulation of the problem, illustrative numerical results, and a parametric study are presented.


As a first step in the development of a model for predicting the noise transmission of sonic booms inside buildings, an analytical formulation was carried for the transmission of a shock wave with an arbitrary time history into a single room with a window. In this model, only the window can vibrate and the remaining portion of the structure enclosing the room is assumed to be rigid.
