
Assessment of Thermal Bridging of Fasteners through Insulated Roof Assemblies

Roof fastener systems are comprised of metal screws and plates used to attach roof membranes, cover boards, and insulation. These systems can have an adverse impact on the thermal performance of roof assemblies, as the components create thermal bridges that bypass the thermal resistance of insulation in the roof assembly. This in turn allows heat to escape at an accelerated rate, flowing outward in cold weather and inward in warm weather.

Assessment of Thermal Bridges due to Roof Fasteners

The RCI Foundation has approved funding for a study, titled “Laboratory Testing of Roof Assemblies for Comparison with Simulated Models: Thermal Performance Assessment of Thermal Bridges due to Roof Fasteners”. The overall goal of the project is to provide a better understanding to the industry of simulated versus tested thermal conductance in 3-D configurations, in support of relative comparison of quantitative thermal effects of fasteners in different roof assemblies.

A Phytoremediative Greenwall for Improved Indoor Air Quality

Zachary Gould was recently featured as one of the recipient of the College of Architecture and Urban Studies sponsored Student Initiated Research Grant (SIRG) awards. He was the lead student researcher for a project titled “Initial Testing of Phytoremediative Greenwall for Improved Indoor Air Quality.” The “greenwall” is a wall of plants that was donated and installed by AgroSci.
