
Management of UAV-Captured Data for Building Facade Inspections

Building facades, serving mainly to protect occupants and structural components from natural forces, require periodic inspections for the detection and assessment of building façade anomalies. Over the past years, a growing trend of utilizing camera-equipped drones for periodical building facade inspection has emerged. Building façade anomalies, such as cracks and erosion, can be detected through analyzing drone-captured video, photographs, and infrared images.

A Mycorrhizal Model for Smart Solar Microgrids

The decentralization of infrastructure is critical to long term urban resilience and resource equity. Current centralized models are prone to single point of failure and distribution inefficiencies that lead to waste. Often this wastefulness is exacerbated by mismatches between resource availability and demand at large scales. The proliferation of renewable energy technologies in the past decade has paved the way towards a more diverse and decentralized infrastructure, especially with respect to solar energy.

Transmission of a Shock Wave into a Room with a Window using a Modal-Interaction Model

As a first step in the development of a model for predicting the noise transmission of sonic booms inside buildings, an analytical formulation was carried for the transmission of a shock wave with an arbitrary time history into a single room with a window. In this model, only the window can vibrate and the remaining portion of the structure enclosing the room is assumed to be rigid.
